Digital Solution

Terms & Condition


The information on this website is provided for general informational purposes only. The information is supplied by TSISPL. We do our best to keep this information up with the most current information We make no representations or representations of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, and reliability, or the suitability or accessibility of the website or any products, information or the related graphics on the site for any reason. Any trust you place in such information is at your own risk.

We will not be held liable for any loss or damages including, without limitation, consequential or indirect loss or damage as well as any other loss or damage that results from the losses of information or profits that result out of or in connection with the use of the website.

On this site, you can hyperlink to other websites that are not under the supervision of TSISPL. We have no influence on the content, design, and accessibility of these websites. The inclusion of links is not an endorsement or recommendation of the opinions expressed in them.

Every effort is put in to ensure that the website is operating efficiently. However, TSISPL. is not responsible for or responsible for the website’s downtime due to technical issues that are beyond our control.

Refund Policy

At TSISPL We are able to clearly define what services we offer and what we offer. Through this method, you can understand the level of service we will provide and, for the most part, is to first eliminate all doubts before taking approval to begin the task. Should you need to ask any queries regarding our work, services, or any other matter you can call our office, write us your inquiry or phone us prior to making payments. We’re here to help with all your questions. When you are satisfied, you are able to take the next step in making payments, but be sure to get in touch with us before making a payment on any one of our services such as web design and development, SEO/SMO, logo design domain booking, web hosting, or any other services.

We’re ready to work with you, and once we have received confirmation from your side, we immediately act regarding it and will send you to work in the progress. So, if you make your steps back following confirmation then the amount that you’ve paid isn’t refundable. Our mission is to provide professional and high-quality services to all our customers. We accept any of the methods that are standardized by TSISPL. We are in contact with our customers and try our best to resolve all their concerns and begin work upon their approval. Therefore, there is no possibility of any form of reimbursement. We have clearly stated that the payment is not refundable in any way.

When you hire our services, you agree to this contract and you acknowledge that you must adhere to our guidelines. TSISPL. has the power to disengage or end user contracts when a user has not been identified as violating our policies and the termination is not refundable.

Make sure that you understand our cancellation and refund policy before you make payment. If you have any concerns regarding our policies, contact us.

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of the website outlines the way in which his Privacy Policy will use and safeguard any information you share with TSISPL. when you visit this site.

TSISPL will work towards making sure the privacy of your information is secured. If we ask you to supply certain details that allow you to be identified while using our website, and you are sure that the information will be used in line with the privacy statements?

TSISPL could alter the policy at any time date by updating the page. It is important to review the page regularly from time to make sure you are satisfied with any modifications. This policy will be in effect from December 10, 2010.


We can gather the following data:

  • Title and Name of the Job
  • Contact information, including email address
  • Demographic information like postcode, preferences, as well as interests of
  • Other relevant information to surveys or offers for customers

We require this information in order to be able to better understand your requirements and offer you a better service. In particular due to one of the reasons listed below:

  • Internal recording.
  • We can use the information to improve our services and products.
  • We will occasionally send promotions emails with information about brand new items, exclusive deals, or other information that we think you might find interesting by using the email address you’ve provided.
  • Sometimes from time to time, we might also use your personal information to contact you to conduct market research. We can contact you via phone, email, or postal mail. We can use your information to personalize the site in accordance with your preferences.

We employ adequate security measures to safeguard against the misuse, loss, or alteration of information utilized within our database.


We will not give, sell, or rent details with any person for the purpose of advertising without your consent, or unless it is required by a law enforcement agency or a court. The information we collect is only accessible to the employees who manage this information to assist in communicating with you or sending you emails based on the information you request, as well as to service companies contracted by us in the course of providing services related to our communication with you.


When we send emails to you which contain web beacons to enable us to track the number of people browsing our emails. If you click the link within the email we will keep track of your specific response in order to personalize our offers to you. Web beacons only collect certain information, like the identifier of a cookie along with the time and date of a webpage that was visited, as well as the description of the webpage on which you clicked on the Web Beacon resides (the URL).

Web Beacons can be turned off in the event that they are sent via email. If you do not want to be notified of Web Beacons by email, you’ll need to turn off HTML images or reject HTML (select text only) emails using your email program.

Terms and Conditions

Access and use of the TSISPL website (“the website”) are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms and Conditions. You are not permitted to make use of the Website to conduct any activity which is unlawful or prohibited by these terms and conditions. If you don’t agree with these rules and regulations, then you must immediately cease using the website or it will be interpreted as acceptance.


This agreement is totally dependent on The Indian judiciary. If there’s any dispute that arises from the use of this website, the dispute will be settled in the jurisdiction of Gurgaon, Haryana.